We participated as a speaker and exhibitor at the ACE “We live with reason” Machine Safety & Compliance conference

On May 30, 2024, we took part in the ACE “We live with reason” Machine Safety & Compliance professional conference organized for machine manufacturers and safety technology specialists in Gödöllő.

On behalf of ExVA, Attila Ákos Radics, business manager of explosion protection services, gave a presentation on the Fire Protection Compliance Certification process and the most common deficiencies arising during the installation of machines and equipment, where he highlighted:

As an organization designated by the authority as an accredited testing and certifier, or for the Fire Protection Certification of equipment, our most important task is to protect the safety of the sites and the equipment operating in them, thereby also providing technical safety to our Partners.

In the exhibition space, our stand enjoyed great interest and success, where the participants could meet our latest product, The Digital Multichannel Gas Mixer, the technical details of which are already available on our website.

We would like to thank ACE and SAASCO for the excellent organization and the opportunity to be present at one of the most prestigious domestic events of the profession this year.

We eagerly await the continuation!

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