ExVA Kft’s team undertakes the compiling of ex-proof documentation, along with the drafting and organising of summaries of measures introduced for the risk assessment and prevention of potential explosion hazards concerning given technologies and plants, doing so based on the EU ATEX 137 Directive (99/92/EC) and Joint Minister of Employment Policy and Labour/Minister of Health, Social and Family Affairs Decree 3/2003 (11 Mar) FMM-ESZCSM on the minimum occupational safety requirements of workplaces located in potentially explosive environments.
The aforementioned regulations specify binding expectations for operators referring to the minimum work safety requirements for workplaces in potentially explosive environments, and the documentation of the same; based on which entire technologies, factories and plants may only be operated in the possession of ex-proof documentation.
The one-by-one elimination of ignition sources occurring during normal operation is given serious emphasis in this documentation, along with the summary of experiences from the records of mandatory revisions completed, and this is intended to ensure safe work for employees working in explosive environments.
The documentation comprises a document consolidated with risk assessment applicable to the employees, which is capable of providing a qualitative picture of risk levels at the various workplaces, and – if necessary – can also formulate proposals in the interest of reducing such risk levels. Ex-proof documentation must be kept up-to-date and needs revising in case of any change impacting explosion proofing is made in the process technology.