The Certification Body that operates within ExVA Kft’s organisation is a notified institution in accredited status (number: NB1418). It engages in its work under the 2014/34/EU Directive (known as the ATEX Directive – Atmosphères Explosives) and Minister for National Economy Decree 35/2016 (Sep 27) NGM, which regulates the testing and certification of equipment and protection systems intended to be used in potentially explosive environments.
ExVA Kft. also has its own accredited test laboratory, which provides the technical backdrop during tests.
Our company engages in testing and certification under Directive 2014/34/EU.
The guidelines associated with the Directive provide a detailed explanation of the Directive’s provisions, and also formulate positions regarding various matters that are difficult to construe. Further useful information can be found in English and Hungarian on the European Community’s applicable website.
ExVA Kft. issues the following certificates
- EU Type examination certificate
- Report on type conformity based on product quality assurance
- Report on type conformity based on manufacturing process quality assurance
- Product inspection certificate of compliance
- Custom inspection certificate of compliance
These certificates correspond to the various modules in the Directive, which are selected by the manufacturer based on the prevalence of the respective explosive material (Zone), as well as the properties and means of protection for the product intended to be used. Where a manufacturer wishes to use their product in a Zone 2 region within the meaning of the Directive, they may do so after an OEM Declaration of Conformity has been issued. Should they request testing and certification by the designated certification body after all, ExVA Kft. will issue a Certificate of Conformance to that effect.
2014/34/EU – The ATEX directives are two EU directives describing the safety requirements for workplaces and equipment used in explosive atmospheres and the testing and certifiing methods.
List of issued ATEX product certificates, quality assessment notifications.
Please ask our colleagues for assistance in choosing the recommended type of certificate!